Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 3 - I can see a light at the end of the tunnel!! thats a train...

Okay, okay so its not that bad, but MAN today was stressful. Spent ALL DAY trying to do my research project for my English class. I WISH I was overstating that... Now sitting in front of the computer for that long doing something that painful (yes, research papers hurt me, little known fact I'm also allergic to them but do my professors listen to me?! NooooOOooo~!) I'd usually fold faster than Superman on laundry day and start shooting folks up on Battlefield 2142 or hell, even hop on Dungeons and Dragons Online (I know, I know GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! Hush up I'm happy!) but this was different, that pesky conscience thing was bugging me and I couldn't seem to do it.

As a matter of fact I took the shortcut for my games and threw them in some random folder as I closed my eyes. It's gonna be a b_tch to find them again but it's not like I need them. *twitch twitch*

Walked by the TV when my family was watching it and I realized that I never watch TV, another thing that made this project easier for me~!

Oh yeah and more songs playing in my head 14 now I think, one of which just happens to be "Girls just wanna have fun".....God, what the HELL is wrong with my brain? Need more Metallica, or Hatebreed OR SOMETHING!!!!


  1. ever listen to daft punk? good music. (on a side note, I snapped music-wise on the first day. spent all my time after that listening to my pandora station. it's good you've made it this far.)

    work on that paper! I would be...but I'm making pie instead.

  2. I'm a little lost on this blogging thing. Is Sunday supposed to be day 3?

  3. Joel,

    Your blog for Sunday is due by 5PM on MONDAY. The blog that was due on Sunday was for Saturday. So you have almost half a day to post your blog.
