Sunday, December 6, 2009

DAY 2: Bummer!

Today was not so good. I failed almost every attempt to deprive myself of the media. Since it was my day off, me and my boyfriend didn’t wake up until around 3pm. We normally don’t sleep with the music or the TV on, so I was good until I woke up. When we did get out of bed, he went to the gym and left me by myself to figure out what I was going to do for an hour being deprived of the media. I thought I was going to go insane with no music, no television, and no one to talk to. I decided to clean and do laundry. Since there wasn’t much to clean and I had one load of laundry, I was done in 15 minutes. Boo! So I decided to cook. My cooking consisted of warming up shrimp Tai Pei and heating up noodles so that took no time. Luckily, while eating, both my roommates came into the kitchen to make something to eat. We talked for about an hour about absolutely nothing, and by that time, it was 6pm. My boyfriend was done working out and doing his homework so I went over to his apartment. This is where all of the media deprivation rules got broken. We watched videos on you tube, the Texans game, and the UFC ultimate fighter. So, there goes my almost good day! My roommates and I went out to Club 100 for a party shortly after where I enjoyed being social, dancing, and of course, listen to music all night long. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day! Or not!

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