Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 2

Saturday December 5, 2009

Yesterday was a lot easier than Friday. I woke up and had some breakfast with my boyfriend, and usually the first thing i do is check my Facebook, but i know how much Gerardo hates that, plus i cant do it for this project so it wasn't so hard to break free from. Gerardo did however have Christmas music playing while he was making our eggs. But i wasn't really paying attention to the music, my mind was more focused on how amazing the egg sandwiches were. I love food.

We then went to Dulce's house and visited with her and her husband for awhile before we had to take off for the our weekend trip to Waco. First we had to stop in at Boerne to watch a High School performance of High School Musical that my friend had help choreograph. That wasted a whole three hours of our day. The performance was the worst i had ever seen. But on the drive up me and Gerardo didnt listen to the radio, witch turned out to be really nice just to talk the whole time. We decided that we were going to have to come back to Boerne on a later day to check out the cute little town.

After the Play he headed out for Waco. On the way out of town we got a little turned around because Boerne was having there Christmas parade. But we found our way around town. Once we started to get closer the San Antonio, Gerardo and I got hungry, so we did use his Iphone to look up restaurant around the area. We ended not even going to the restraurants that were on the phone and just exiting to look for a place that looked good. We ended up eating an amazing seafood restaurant that was connected to Base ProShop. After an amazing Mahi Mahi and prime rib we headed out on the road again.

I was amazed that for Three Hours Gerardo and I were able to not listen to any music and just talk. We both really enjoyed it. He said that it was nice not being interrupted by me turning up the music and sining in the middle of a conversation. I ended up falling asleep about two hours into the drive. I think Gerardo turned on the music after i fell asleep, pretty sure i heard it playing but he was considerate enough to keep the volume down low. I woke up about fifteen minuets out from Waco, and we arrived to his parents place around 10:30pm.

We stayed up and talked for a little while and then headed off to bed around 11:45. The day wasnt so bad not using technology, and i found out that i didnt need to check up on my Facebook every half hour. This makes Gerardo so happy cause he hates Facebook, and how much i check up on other people.

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