Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 1

Well I'm a little late. Oops! My Internet is down so I had to come way over here to this public library and use their WI-FI. Kind of a coincidence that it decided to crash right when I'm not supposed to use it anyway! So far, I've been going a little insane. I can't live without my music or TV! Plus, I live by myself so it gets boring! There are only so many times I can watch my cat run circles around my apartment! But I will be honest, it's really not that bad. When I first moved out of my parent's house, I had nothing that involved keeping me entertained. I lived in a rented house with three friends and I was the only one without a job. For almost two weeks, while they went to work, I slumped around the house with absolutely nothing to do. Most of the time, I found myself reading, which in my opinion is a great way to pass the time. As far as day 1 went, however, I spent most of my day Christmas shopping at North Star. I was very grateful for the music playing in each store, relieving my absurdly bored mind. My head is a constant play list, so for the past few days while I've had basically no tunes, I've caught myself singing songs in my head. It works! Not that great, but it's better than nothing! So yeah, shopping saved me. I will admit though that I did have to continuously call my mother with different questions, but it was totally relevant I promise. Some good things that have come from this project as well are that it has really allowed me to focus on more important things needing to be done. I've studied a lot for finals and have been able to get more sleep at night. It feels good! But when I'm laying in bed, staring into the dark quiet, my blank, silent mind begins to wonder. . .

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