Sunday, December 6, 2009

DAY 2: The Day I Aged Five Years

Day two was about as difficult to endure as day one, mostly because the things I did before being able to consume mass media were boring without being able to listen to any music. See, I planned to go over to my parents' house and watch the Florida-Alabama SEC championship game with them but that wasn't till 3PM, so I had several hours to take care of stuff back at my house... Without my music, of course!

I don't know about you but putting up Christmas lights and decorations is about as fun as watching paint dry except for, you know, the whole manual labor part! So having to do such a time-consuming, annoying task can only be exacerbated by not being able to listen to music. Like many of you, music helps me both pass the time and focus on the task at hand. Stripping that luxury away just makes me irritable and I don't think I'm as efficient or productive when I'm irritable. So yeah, the first part of my day sucked, and guess what? I have to redo some of the Christmas lights because I forgot to test one of the sets before I stapled them to the house. See, told you I'm no good to you when I'm irritable! But I only have myself to blame, right?

After that ordeal I hung out with my parents at their house and we watched the Florida-Alabama game. Wow, that game did not turn out the way I thought it would. But then again, Florida had looked vulnerable this season and Alabama had revenge on their minds all season. Props to the Crimson Tide and here's hoping my 'Horns can stop crapping the bed when it matters most and really challenge Alabama for the National Championship.

Speaking of the Texas Longhorns... WOW WHAT A FREAKIN' FINISH! I still can't believe that kick was good! It looked like it was gonna hook wide left but the ball stayed true and assured the 'Horns a shot at the National Title. A shot they should've had last year but whatever. I'm not bitter... YEAH RIGHT! Anyhoo, I planned to have the game at my house so a bunch of friends came over and we had a game-watching party. One of my best friends is a HUGE Texas hater so it was even more fun watching the game with him since all we did was talk trash during the game. Sadly, he had a lot to trash talk given how poorly Texas played on Saturday (especially Colt McCoy and the UT offense; say goodbye to that Heisman, Colt!).

So yeah, watching the UT game--NOT this whole Media Deprivation experience--robbed me of about five years of my life! Sometimes I think I invest too much time and passion into sports (Heck, I used to be much worse just a few years ago), so I always try to remind myself that it's just a game and that there are far more important things in life... Like you guys and your blogs! So after everyone left for the night I proceeded to read everyone's Day 1 blogs (and even some Day 2 blogs creeping in during the wee hours of the morning), which kept me occupied the rest of the night. In fact, I fell asleep on the couch reading everyone's blogs not because they weren't interesting or engaging (believe me, they always are!) but because I just couldn't stay up any longer.

After a stressful day of house stuff, and a stressful night of watching my alma mater ALMOST choke away a shot at the National Championship, I was just pooped!

1 comment:

  1. That UT game was a nail-biter, definitely made up for the Spurs loss though.
