Sunday, December 6, 2009

Chocolate covered apologies!

If you happened to read my previous blob entry you would know that my husband sabotaged my efforts with this project with music videos during the first night of detox. Music video's are like my drug of choice among the media entertainment. I guess he must have felt some guilt as he brought a cute decadent chocolate cake home last night from HEB. I'm a sucker because I totally forgave him!

Saturday night wasn't too bad with depriving myself, well truthfully I indulged within limits. Another tradition evolving the whole family is sitting down to watch an episode of COPS on t.v. I know it may seem like a joke that a television show is something we do as a family. Let me explain further for your understatement. we actually use the show as a form of entertainment bur as education for our kids. we have kept them pretty sheltered in the military living overseas but we have always told them about "bad people" or "drug dealers", it easy to talk about but more effective if the can see real life examples in action. The shows promote conversation and questions that wouldn't normally form in the text book speeches on the subject. So I did watch the show because I thought the cause was greater than sustaining from it. However, once the show was over my husband quickly changed the channel to football. It doesn't even interest me to watch, no problem resisting there!

The cell phone hasn't proven to be a real issue as I really don't rely on it except when I am away from my children and spouse. I actually get allot of complains from friends that can't reach me on the cell phone over the weekends anyway. The only bump in the road was my regular phone call from S.Korea from my best friend. We catch up every Saturday for at least 2 hours over the vonage phone, its pretty much a guarantee in my house. This Saturday provided no exception except for the duration of the call 20 mins is a huge difference from 2 hours! I had to explain to her why I shouldn't be talking and she started laughing at the visual her mind was allowing her to see. Once I hung up I felt weird but the phone literally rang within a minute as she belted out"OK, 5 more mins because I have to tell you this!". Thanks to my husbands mocking the second call did end in 5 mins. I pretty much fed my scrapbook and travel addiction with magazines the rest of the night so my nerves weren't as bad as Fridays night. There was less arguments with Mr.Lopez in my head, thank goodness because I was starting to doubt my sanity.

This Morning started off relative easy because Sundays are the days I use less media for entertainment because I have chores and homework to do before the week starts. Every Sunday my morning starts with the thick Sunday paper. Its takes me two leisurely hours to dissect it and go through all the ads and coupons. I do anticipate one phone call to my grandmother who is in rehab in North Carolina. I call her every Sunday before I get busy during the week and because she is 88 years old I don't want to disappoint her. We are supposed to put up our Christmas tree and whether or not we have carols in the background depends if we can find last years music CD's or not. So music in today's routine is still to be determined.

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