Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 3/ Home Stretch "Go Saints!"

Okay guys, this is it for me. Well this whole project was not too fun for me at all, not sure about the rest of you. But hopefully the rest of you all are hanging in there. So far today I have spent more time outside of my own home on a Sunday than I ever had. I got up this morning went to work out for a couple of hours. After that I got ready to go to "Buffalo Wild Wings," to watch the Saints have a dramatic comeback. "Man they are having a terrific season arent they!? Go Saints, and man I love those wings." After that I went to kick at a friends' for a little and watch some of the Cowboys game, booooooo. But I got tired of watching their sorry asses. But anyway I'm glad that this is the last day of this project. This whole weekend has been kind of rough and might have done me some psychological damage from looking at the walls too long. Dont worry Mr. Lopez I wont press charges. But after today we will be able to go back to our normal lives and do and use the things that we are accustomed to. It will be good to get back to the tings that I had to turn away from for a little while. "I love you radio, I love you television, I love you cell phone, and most of all I love you ipod. Never will I diss you guys again, never again." I'm pretty sure they feel the same way about me. But its gonna pretty weird going back to those things, I almost feel like I have forgotten how to use some of them. Lets hope thats is not the case. But it gives me great pleasure knowing that by tomorrow this will be over. I want to got to sleep right now and just wait for the next day to be here. Anyway, it was fun while it lasted, but peace I'm out.

1 comment:

  1. Woah wait...It's day 3? What?! I thought it was day 2 >:C Lies!!
