Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 2

Today was pretty easy to cope with the loss of media. I worked from 7 A.M. to 1 and then I got a four hour break and went back at 5 until 10 that night.
The day went pretty smoothly and the only form of media I could not avoid was the radio at work(that is always playing).
My 4 hour break sucked because I had nothing to do, so I finished reading a book called "Rats Saw God," and if your wondering the name makes no sense unless you read it.
I went back to work and managed not to use, or see, any forms of mass media until I got off at 10.
I went over to a friends house and hung out there until now. I will admit that I played " Call of Duty: modern warfare 2," for a while. But it's only common Curtice to play when your offered. Oh and also I watched some UFC fights with the crowd at my friends house, it's not like I could go in the other room and do nothing.
After we watched the fights some people were pumped up and decided to box in the living room. It was pretty awesome watching people box each other. If your wondering, no I did not join in on those festivities. I'm a lover not a fighter, but it was cool to witness a bunch of drunk idiots box one another.
So that leaves me here on my friends computer typing this. I would say that the hardest part of this project, has been trying to keep myself entertained, and it hasn't been too hard.

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