Sunday, December 6, 2009

DAY 2 : The Middle...

The key for getting through the second day was to try to pre occupy myself with other tasks to make this day pass by. I wasn't afforded the luxury of sleeping in because a friend of mine needed a ride to the airport at four in the morning. After driving all around town, I had some time to kill before my government class.
After I arrived at my home from dropping a friend off at the airport, I started working on my psychology papers some more. After accomplishing some more paperwork, I played around with my cats in the house until it was time to go to class. Government proved boring as usual but did take up three hours of my day. We watched presentations and took a quiz on the current topic for that day. By the end of class, I was just so exhausted that I literally crashed out upon arrival at my home. I slept for right hours until my wife's parents called asking us to come by to practice for the Christmas Play some more. I think during this whole project, I have had better sleep because I am less distracted when laying down to rest. So at the In-Laws, we pranced around some more and I ate a lot of delicious foods there. There was brisket, mashed potatoes, and many different kinds of pies. Later, we decided to drive home that night. Upon arrival, one of the cats had decided to mess up the blinds on the first floor in our absence. It was my belief that he had met a female cat in the neighborhood and desperately wanted to see her again. I could not see the tampering of these blinds that are now in disarray as forgivable. This cat has repeatedly caused issues for me and refuses to obey to the authority of the house.
In constant deliberation of the things to comes in terms of the cat, I had to make a decision. I came to the realization that he was never going to change and decided to take him with me in my car. I drove to the adjacent neighborhood and released him there. I made sure he was well nourished before departing. These blinds are no ordinary plastic by the way. I forfeited three thousand dollars for red mahogany blinds which is quite considerable for that item alone. I still have the other two cats which I do not fear will be a problem. In relation to this whole scenario, I have noticed my irritability from now playing video games has been very apparent as my day progressed. It is almost as if I was placated by my video games as not to be bothered by these very things. I find myself more assertive in these matters and more clear of mind as well. Let us see what day three shall bring...

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