Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 2 - Stupid washing machines and half frozen pants...

Well, this whole media deprivation thing is kind of annoying, but at least I have plenty of things to do around my house! Just my luck the washing machine DID break! While my dad did find the part he needed to replace we had to take the whole thing apart to fix it. Lo and behold the inside of the metal casing was just COATED with this nasty green and yellow gooey stuff. I imagine it was just old soap and things of that nature, but still it looked freakin' gross.

But what's that? The water hose is frozen over? No problem! Just pour hot water all over the hose WHILE YOUR DAD IS HOLDING IT (his idea, not mine), Dandy! Okay now I get to blast off all that gooey stuff real quick and...What's that you say Dad you turned up the water pressure to see if that would help with the frozen hose, and you forgot to lower it back down?

So yeah, after about fifteen minutes hosing down the washing machine while drenched from the waist down in cold and windy weather, I decided it was time to head back inside.

As for the rest of the day, well that was reserved for staring at my computer monitor to try and get started on my English research paper.

Though I have to say the whole not listening to music thing is getting a little easier. Especially when I have several songs in my head right now. Seriously it was only one yesterday , some song by Metallica though I can't remember which one, and now I have like eight playing!...oh God, no not the ninth one!! Celine Dion?! What...the... but I hate her songs... WHY?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Curse you Mom, you have destroyed my mind!!!

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