Sunday, December 6, 2009


I have to admit that day two was harder then day 1. I woke up in the morning and had 5 missed calls and 13 unread messages. It was so tempting not to read them, so I decided to just delete them so I wouldn't be tempted to read them.My day started off at 6 a.m and I went for my usual run. It was another quiet one, no ipod. It is really hard to run without music and I don't like not being able to jamm out while I run. After my run I came home and got ready to go to the outlets. I thought this is going to be the test, driving an hour in silence. So I got into my car and drove in silence, it was actually kind of weird because I always have my music loud, but then at the same time it was actually relaxing and I just had time to think to myself. Believe it or not I went the whole way without giving in, it was so hard I have to say. I never really noticed how dependent we are to our media devices. They are just apart of our everyday routine. However, i did enjoy the time to myself, with no drama since I wasn't using my phone. I have to admit though on my drive back from the outlets, I gave in and turned on the radio. I couldn't take the silence anymore. Since I will be moving back next week, my family here decided to take me out to dinner since I won't be here to celebrate my birthday with them. When i was at their house, I played with my cousins and it was so much fun. If it wasn't for this project I probably would have been upstairs on the computer or texting away. I got to spend quality time with my cousins. I also got to talk with my aunt, it was a good but sad talk. We talked about how much we were going to miss each other. We held a conversation without the distraction of my phone constantly going off, it was pretty nice. When we went to dinner I didn't take my phone so it was a pleasant dinner and I actually particapated in the conversation, since I was constantly texting back and forth. This project really showed me a lot, like how the media devices keep us away from the important stuff like family. I was able to complete two assignments in no time and it was all due to the no distractions of facebook, my ipod, television, and my cell phone. This project just really shows how we use these things to passtime by. What a perfect weekend too, right before finals. I have already started studying and completed a final essay.

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