Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 2, Dec.5, 2009

Good Evening my fellow Bloggers,
Well, this has been the most interesting day-and may be of this entire project. I can't 'survive' without getting on Facebook or Myspace. However, I've limited the time I get on. The time spent on each social networking site, has been reduced by at least half. As for most of my time spent today, I texted one of my good friends-who is in the class before ours. Melanie was not aware we're allowed to text. So, everyone, we are allowed to text! We aren't permitted getting on Facebook or Myspace via cell phone web. I didn't get to watch the Florida vs Alabama game, as I was shopping. Though, I got home and my parent's were watching that game. I gave in and watched the news. I have a hard time trusting people; especially with such significant events occurring. Later in the evening, my parents and I watched the Texas vs Nebraska game. For the first two quarters, I was with them watching it at home. Later after the half, I was commuting between my house and a friend's house. Fortunately for texting, my friend Corey kept me posted! Texas won with a miracle-Praise God! As for the music, I have been good about not listening to my I-Pod. In fact, it's sitting on the I-Home pad charging. My word was kept, and I have been getting better with Mr. Lopez's guidelines/restrictions. I still haven't mastered not listening to music in the car. I really think I'd lose my mind. Music seems to be a calm and smoothing ease in my life; when life get's stressful. Tomorrow, I will try without music and will let everyone know how it goes. This has been by far the most challenging project. I can't fathom how people from our previous generation survived and still continue to do so. Well, I am signing off. Hope everyone's had a safe weekend-so far! Stay safe and warm!!

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