Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 1

This first day was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Towards the end, it got very boring but I did not mind considering it allowed me to catch up on sleep. My girlfriend was not very happy with the fact that we were not going to be able to text each other the entire day like we usually do. She goes to school in Corpus, so I was not going to be able to see her, this is why she likes to text and call me during the day. So needless to say, she was not a fan of this project. With this in mind, we stayed up very late talking on the phone Thursday night. We did not end up getting off the phone till close to 5 a.m. I had neither work nor school on Friday so I slept in till 2 p.m. After eating and getting ready for the day the first thing I had to do was pick my younger brother up from school. This was the first time in my car with no music playing. I love music and am pretty much always listening to it when I can. This was a very strange ride for me. I found myself just thinking about anything and everything, being very observant of everything around me. I was very bored but driving very well. I always thought my music would help me concentrate on the road but in reality it probably only distracts me. After getting into my car and hearing the complete silence my brother was confused, since I had not told him about the project yet. To my surprise he was actually okay with it and did not feel the need to turn the radio on or put a CD in. We simply talked. It was good to hear about his day and his plans for the weekend. We usually always have a lot to talk about so it wasn't an awkward or quit ride at all. Since he was not doing anything that night I told him he should come hang out with me. We went to the mall to hang out with my friend Evan. After hanging out with Evan, we then went to my friend George's apartment. This was the only time I used my phone, to make calls in order to make plans with my friend's. I would turn it off other wise. Since I was with my brother it was easy to keep in touch with our parents if they needed to get a hold of us. After hanging out at his place we came home at about 11. Soon after I went to sleep. If I'm able to keep busy the weekend should be easy. My girlfriend is coming into town so I'll spend time with her and I work as well so I look forward to the rest of the weekend.

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