Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day one

Day one
So the beginning of my day usually consisted of turning off my alarm, making coffee, and turning on the radio. I get ready to the morning local radio station. The next thing I do is check my face book. Then I get in the car and listen to the radio on my way to school or work. But this morning was different; no radio on this morning, which kind of put me in a bad mood. And on top of that, I was not able to check my face book. I think I’m going to go crazy and its only 8:30 am. It’s going to be a long day. Then I get done with class early and my roommate who was my ride this morning left, to go run an errand. This would have been fine, but I cannot kill time on- line. This weekend my roommate will be gone, it will be me and my six cats all to myself. I did cheat though, I turned on the TV to fall asleep, I tried not too but I gave in. Driving in my car is the worst part I’m so bored. It seems like the ride back and forth from work takes FOREVER! I never thought I was this dependent on the media, but I guess I am. Media as always been a part of my life and its hard not to give in. Glad that I have to work this weekend because, it will kill sometime, never thought I’d say that! All my homework will be done early this week. My house is going to be very clean. I guess is a good thing. I’m coming to realize that much of what makes me happy is raped up in the media. Two more days I can do this!

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