Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dia Uno.

Day 1

What have i gotten myself into? Friday morning started off like any other day. I woke up and tuned into CNN Newsroom completly forgetting the project at hand. Tiger Woods has some explaining to do, I guess that settles whether golfers are athletes or not. About 20 minutes into the news broadcast I remembered about the project. Strike 1. I turned off the television and sat there in silence thinking this was only hour 1, day 1 of what is surely to be the longest weekend of my life. I tried not thinking about it repeating to myself that I can do this. As I sat there, I thought of how i was going to tackle this weekend. My strategy will be to take my time and extend my everyday chores. Patience is virtue, but patience is something I do not posses. I made breakfast for myself and my roomate while explaining to him how I was to be devoid of all media. He laughed and reminded me that this weekend is college football championship week. I just about punched him in the face. After breakfast I picked up my guitar and sat there strumming away. If I can't listen to music then I'll play my own. My roommate goes to the gym everyday so i thought it was the perfect time to join him. We went to Gold's Gym and enrolled after months and months of not having done any kind of exercise so I guess some good will come of this. We must have spent at least 3 1/2 hours in there doing everything from lifting weights to playing basketball. I was really tired after the workout so I showered and took a nap. We went to Hooters at night and sated my hunger and thirst with wings and beer. We sat under a TV and caught the end of the Heat-Lakers game. Man that Kobe is something else. Day 1 went well, but something tells me I'm going to need more beer this weekend.

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