Saturday, December 5, 2009

Midway Point/Halftime

Well I guess since just about everyone has posted for Day 1, I will go ahead and start Day2 off. But I dont know if I am going to make it tomorrow because it is football Sunday, and I dont see it bein right without me being able to watch football, at my own place. I guees I'll just have to go watch it at a friend's or someting. Today so far has been a lot easier, due to the fact that I had to work. Man I can only imagine how boring it would have been without it. But anyway, since I was unable to listen to my ipod or use anything else time went bye much slower. It was crazy; I actually almost read the whole newspaper today, and I have not read a newspapaer in months. Even though I dont read them too often I actually found out some interesting things. That goes to show you that the less you do something the more interesting it becomes. But honestly this project has actually helped me take care of things and do a lot of thinking about stuff. Mostly it has indeed helped me stay focused on my finals and get some studying done. But as far as no music, I think that may make me check into a psych ward. I would just be driving, then all of a sudden find myself humming a song that I could remeber. I've literally turned into a human jukebox. I guess since I havent been wastig my time with my "toys" it has made time for me to take car of some things that have been long over due. Also people have been texting and blowing up my phone as if I have been ignoring them on purpose. Good job Mr. Lopez; I mean really thanks a lot. I have to go into detail wiht people about this project or show them the blog page to make them understand I'm not making this up. This whole thing is insane, I think by the time we will have finished this project I will have a whole new level of respect for all media based things that I own. But that's it for me for today guys. Good luck to the rest of you all.

1 comment:

  1. Believe me, I feel you on the football, Tremaine. I exploited the "social gathering" loophole quite a bit on Saturday in order to see both the Florida-Alabama game and my Longhorns vs. Nebraska. I guess you can say I'm something of a sports addict.
