Saturday, December 5, 2009

ahhhh DAY ONE!

Day one of our final was so difficult to over come. I can honestly say that i didnt get through the day following all the rules haha.. My day started off by me waking up and NOT being able to check my email which was totally difficult in its self. I had a few missed calls and about seven unread text mesaages so it was very challenging not being able to respond to them. I got ready for school with no music playing which was not as difficult as i thought it would be until i actually got in the car.. the drive to school was like torchure! haha I felt like the biggest moron singing to myself in the car, i never really realized how terrible i was at it. I felt pretty good about myself at this point because i had not "cheated" yet until i got to my history class, my teacher played a film that was terribly boring so i could help but log on to my myspace! As soon as i realized i had zero updates i immidiately logged off, so i guess you could say i half way cheated? haha.. After class i met up with my sister and we went to the mall and on the way over there she turned the radio on, i yelled at her and she turned it off haha. Lets see I felt even better about myself because i turned down a date to the movies, i had been talking about watching Armored all week and finally when the movie comes out our final started! That made me sad! Ok so bed times rolls around and this is usually the time when i "facespace" which is combination of snooping through my facebook and myspace accounts at the same time, and sometimes i'll even tweet but not this time! I found myself starring at my closet until i fell asleep because i had nothing else to do. So finally i got through the day, not as well as i had hoped for but i did way better than expected!


  1. Remember it's okay to check your phone for text messages. Just respond to important messages. Ignore texts that are just idle chat with friends.

  2. thanks sir! but most of the texts i wake up to are from my friends who are mist likely drunk haha
