Saturday, December 5, 2009


Well i survived day 1 of the media deprevation. My day started off yesterday at around 7 a.m. My day started off with my alarm clock, but the one on my cell phone. I don't even own an alarm clock and always rely on my cell phone since it's always by my side. I told myself that I would be allowed to use my phone as my alarm, but I really wanted to try and stay away from texting and the constant checking of my phone. So I went to the gym, but it was different from my other workouts, usually i have my ipod on and I just jamm out. This time i didn't listen to music, I have to say I didn't like it, but because I think the music keeps you going. For instance when a fast song is on, I just seem to run faster or push harder on the eliptical. Overall my workout was good but just quiet. After working out I came back to my apartment and was going to shower. I always take my ipod deck into the bathroom and sing my lungs out in the shower ha ha. This was by far the quietest shower ever, my neighbors probably enjoyed the silence. Once I was out of the shower, I got ready and left to go to the grocery store. I have to say that this was probably the hardest part of my day, driving in complete silence. I did however notice that I was so observant of the drivers around me and just paid attention to the road, not my cell phone or not changing the song on my ipod. I couldn't believe I didn't even take my cell phone with me and for me that is a major deal. I noticed when i was shopping people on those stupid blue tooth things, ugh I hate those things. Is it that hard to hold your phone while you talk. I always think those people are talking to me because I don't notice a phone, it makes me feel so stupid. Are we that lazy where it will kill us if we hold the phone for a little bit? After paying, I drove home in silence and carefully paid attention to the roads. I couldn't believe the way some people drive, but I guess I never really noticed because i was looking at my phone, texting back, on my phone, or messing with my ipod. I never really noticed how much of a distraction these things can be when your driving. The rest of my day was pretty easy because I worked from 2 to 12:30. I usually carry my cell phone on my because it's just a habit and just have to text back. I thought I would give it a shot and leave it in my locker for the day. I noticed that i seemed to be more observant of the costumers and finished my department faster. I think we all get caught up with our cell phones, computers, ipods, tv, and whatever other media devices that we lose track of all the other stuff. I thought it would be hard to not get on my computer all day, but it really wasn't. I guess I get on it just to pass time and chat on facebook and look at everyone's status. I now see that we depend on these things because we are so use to them, I think we could learn to deal without some of this stuff it's just matter over mind. We convince ourselves that we can't go a day without our cell phones, but we can. We simply talk or text just to pass time by. I did use my cell phone once, but that was to call my mom. I don't have a house phone and she lives 560 miles away. I needed to ask her an important question, but I did however cut the conversation short. I am not going to lie, I did check my cell phone when I got out of work just to see how many texts I had received and how many calls i missed. Turns out I had 43 unread text messages and 10 missed calls. Sounds rediculous, and i was tempted to read the texts but i simply said no. I am honestly going to try and go all weekend without texting and listening to my ipod. I think those are the two hardest things for me. One day down, two to go!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Erika. But I don't want you missing any important text messages from family or friends so it's okay to check them every now and then. Just respond to the important ones.
