Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 1

Friday was pretty easy as far as staying away from certain devices such as a television or a computer. I drove out to my girlfriend's parent's ranch to do some deer hunting and drink a little beer. About half way there I realized that I was listening to the radio, and that I was not supposed to be doing so; I am a creature of habit, and listening to the radio while driving is like second nature to me. Once I got to the ranch, we added corn to our feeder, moved our blind, and cut down some branches that were obstructing our view. After all the hard work was done we started a fire and stood around it guzzling beer after beer. There really wasn't too much on the mind except getting a little "R and R." I wasn't thinking about school, bills, or any of the negative things in my life-- which made this project a lot easier; it was really strange that not one person thought to turn the radio on and blast the anthems of the South like "Sweet Home Alabama," (thank Christ) or the Allman Brothers Band's "Midnight Rider." usually after about a six pack someone wants to crank the radio and continue down the glory road to inebriation.
Saturday morning the alarm went of at 5:30, so I shed my skin from the night before and took a quick shower to wake up a bit. I finally got the rest of the guys moving and we were in the blind by 6:15; it was one of the coldest mornings that I have felt in this part of Texas in a long time; The thermometer read 23 degrees in my truck and it felt every bit of that. We decided to call it at 9:15 because our toes hurt from the cold and we hadn't seen s!%t.

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