Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 1

Today was an intesting day. I woke up at around 12pm and promptly turned off all electronic devices. It's amazing how silent a house really is when nothing is on. I'm sure most of the people doing this project went out into the real world do pass the time but unfortuantly I don't have any transportation so I had to stay home all day and listen to complete and utter silence. It was nice at first. I actually cooked my lunch, ate, layed on the couch playing with the cat. And all that was fine and dandy until about 2. At that point I started getting restless. I felt like moving around and being on my feet. I also started getting really hungry again. I ended up laying around in my bed until I got ready and went to work.
The ride to work was awful without the IPod. I actually had to make conversation with my dad. Five minutes away from my work my dad told me to be quiet because I wouldn't stop talking. I've learned so far that without my electronics I have this strong need to talk. I'm not gonna lie. The silence bugs me so I felt this strong need to just start talking about anything that came to mind.
Again I'm not gonna lie...I had a little slip. I had my phone off all day but I had to take it to work with me because at work its like my watch. I got a text from one of my friends and it just went from there. I'm gonna try harder tomorrow not to do that.
This project so far reminds me of when I tried to quit smoking. I used to smoke all the time but for certain reasons I decided to quit. The first month was difficult. I craved one all the time escpecially in stressfull situations and all I thought about was how easy it would be to just reach out and have one. Thankfully I'm not giving up electronics for life.
Thats one day down, two more to go.
45hrs 9min left...

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