Saturday, December 5, 2009

All downhill from here (day 2)

Of course, I've already broken in so many ways I might as well give up entirely. Started listening to music last night, after waking up for the third time, and I accidentally ran through my dailies this morning. (webcomics, sweepstakes, almost started hitting up my gamesites before I remembered.)
Today was easier than Friday, because my family was home, and there were noises other than me in the house. Went Christmas shopping with my mom and my aunt. Listened to their radio instead of my iPod, which was fine, because my mom's got decent taste in music. My brother continued his rockband spree from last night with even more gloating and excessive flailing. I'll have my revenge come Monday.
I actually helped cook breakfast this morning, another thing I rarely do, which was nice, because I managed to stop my mom from burning the sausage to a crisp.
I'm still not browsing the 'net for fun, but now that I've snapped musically, this isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be.
I hit up the bookstore earlier, and used my mom's teacher discount to get enough books to last me the rest of the weekend(also laughed myself silly at a Robert Pattinson calender. do they try to get his hair like that, or does he just wake up that way?) I'm hoping that I can occupy myself enough that I don't need music for a while.
My cousin came over, because her parents want to watch the game, so she's helping distract me from my research paper. I'm enjoying repairing her computer.
I miss my gamesites and my comics. one more day....

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