Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 1 - The walls are talking to me...

Well, no not really I thought this would be a little harder. Yesterday I woke up and remembered a few things that made this little experiment easier. One, I don't have a Facebook, Myspace, or any other sort of social networking site account. Two, I HATE texting with the fury of a thousand white-hot suns. Seriously we went to school for twelve or more years so we could misspell three letter words?

Anyway, during the day I found plenty of things to do other than listen to music or play video games. I found myself doing a lot of cleaning, going with my folks to do errands, and getting a lot of Photoshop work done.

The hardest thing for me though was not watching TV. This was because its almost second nature to me. I'll be talking to someone like my Mom or my sister and I'll just start staring at the TV, completely unaware of it until someone turns it off. I got my folks in on this and they just adore C**kblocking me every time I get close to the TV.

The second hardest thing for me to do was to not get on the internet for random shenanigans. I usually don't do much of anything on the internet other than look for video game mods (Yes, I am THAT nerdy! I REGRET NOTHING! NOTHING!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAH~!!!).

I guess all in all, I just found other things to do.

Oh no, i think my parent's washing machine just broke (literally, no innuendos... if there are even any for that.) Tomorrow shall be an eventful day as well!

Oh yeah and this whole blogging thing made me feel old. I spent like ten minutes trying to figure out how to post. But no longer! I have unlocked its secrets and hold the power to torture people with my random and meaningless daily tasks!

1 comment:

  1. This post made me Laugh Out Loud (just for you, I spelled it out, haha).
