Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 1 (The Internal Struggle)

It's a beautiful Friday morning, the wind howling at my window and the snow lazily falling on the open fields of my Bandera home. I wake up to see it's 10 o'clock in the morning and I get up to eat some cereal. I pour my bowl of cereal and I sit on the couch. The TV beckons me and I reach for the remote. Then it hits me, I can't watch TV.
The internal struggle begins. I start to question the meaning of existence and the reasons for being alive. But mostly I question Mr. Lopez. " Why would you do this to us?". " Are you some sick kinda monster?" He's probably at home reading these and laughing, watching sports center and listening to smooth jazz over his Ipod speakers.
I then go through the five stages of grief:
1 Denial: " I don't have to do this, no one will know if I cheat a little." I will.
2 Anger: " How could you do this, ahhhhhh?" It takes me a while but I calm down.
3 Bargaining: " What if I don't watch TV all day until Oprah comes on?"
4 Depression: " I can't do this, I can't live this way."
5 Acceptance: " Alright, I can do this."
By the time I'm through with my Internal struggle the clock read 10:05. The fight inside me that seemed to last eternity in actuality only lasted about five minutes. So then I'm left with the question of what I'm gonna do all day.
I decide to sleep for a couple more hours, hoping to waste away the day in a deep dream state. I wake up around 3 and decide to call some friends. I go and hang out with some friends for the rest of the day, and the only media I saw was the TV that was on at my friends house.
Day one was over, and I could sleep happily knowing I survived.

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one who went through the five stages of grief...
