Monday, December 7, 2009

free at last! day 3

I couldnt be any more excited for day three to be over with! My urge to get connected to all of my peers through different forms of media was at its breaking point. haha Thats a little dramatic of me but this task was definitely hard for me to overcome. Sunday was my day off from both work and school so i knew i had to make a plan to get through the final day. I had my P.I.C (partner in crime) stay over night with me that way he could keep me distracted because sundays are always my "lazy surf the web" days. Well we woke up around noon and just sat around the house talking about the night before and just discussing our favorite gangster mob movies haha we eventually decided that blow, american ganster and good fellas were definitely at the top of the list. Anyways we did a little cleaning up then ate some barbacoa my mom bought for us. After that we got ready and headed out to Victor's (my p.i.c) house and i sat there and watched him play call of duty (which i did NOT Participate in). Once we were done there we went to old navy to buy me some boots then headed back home to start making dinner. After dinner we decided to be lame and take a silent drive around downtown to see the lights, which only made us depressed because we realized we needed to amke our realtionship with our "significant others" better before christmas time rolls around haha.. well after that we killed some more time as as soon as 12 am rolled around we couldnt be anymore excited so FINALLY get to log onto my "facespace" and start talking to everyone! We even went over board and started calling people on skype haha! So after we chatted with some friends on skype we picked up another friend and went to eat at taco cabana and i was SO overjoyed because i was listening to the radio FULL BLAST the whole time.. i definitely had media withdraws haha. well this assigment truely opened my eyes to alot of things and i realized that i have already been sucked in to this generation of technology and to get away from it is the most difficult task i ahev been assigned thus far.

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