Monday, December 7, 2009


I woke up around noon and was awoken by my dad who was telling me of the football scores. I told him that I could not watch the games, but I did have to cheat when the New Orleans Saints played. The game ended with the redskins missing a field goal and then Fox Network cut it off to show the beginning of the Cowboy’s game, so I used my phone to look up the score to find out what happened. I couldn’t resist because the football game was good. I didn’t get anything done during the day cause I was feeling kind of lazy, and I had already done everything I had to do around the house and for school on Friday and Saturday. I had to go to work at 5. The drive to work in silence was fun, so I sang my dance party mix which consisted of Miley Cyrus and he Secret Handshake. It was busier than I thought it was going to be and I talked to a lot of customers about the movies they just saw or what they were going to see. I work near a movie theater so I get a lot of those kind of customers, a lot of them said that "The Blindside" was really good. I got one phone call from my mom and I didn’t call her back cause it was not an emergency. I am proud of myself because I only cheated once to watch that football game which was worth it. With everything said and done I am very pleased with myself. I got a lot of songs stuck in my head that I couldn’t listen to, but I did hear some music through the music player we have at work and now I’ve had enough of Christmas music.

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