Monday, December 7, 2009

Day three

It's finally the end of the media deprivation project and I am enjoying the comforts of media. I am proud to state that throughout the last couple of days I was able to not use any type of media other than what was necessary through my job and talking to my parents. Sunday was a very productive day in means of studying for my Monday morning final. Staying busy at all times just kept my mind off of all the usual media I regularly use. I did catch myself listening to music as I drove to work but it was strictly out of habit. After five minutes through my drive I did realize what was happening. I have found this particular project very easy sense I was working around twelve hours every day this last weekend. By the time I home, I am too tired to even continue with anything. I did enjoy the silence and me trying to stay busy when I am not working. It just kept me going and left my mind on other things. I missed the football game I have been waiting to see for a few months, and that was the Cowboys versus the Giants. My friends are all huge Cowboys fans and I love when the Giants win seeing as they are my favorite team. I was wondering why all my friends were calling and texting me and I just had to peek at one of the messages. That one text message made my day. As for monday, the first thing I did was turn on my computer and watch the highlights of the games I missed and looked at every text message I missed for the last several days. I missed in all over one hundred text messages fourty five calls, among several myspace and facebook messages and comments. It felt weird having to actually drive to find my friends just to see them for a little bit. I am so used to just using my phone and knowing in seconds. They have told me that this project even sucked for them because they could never get a hold of me and I was never home. Now I somewhat know what it was like before media, and I really think I have begun to take these luxuries for granted because people live like this every day.

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