Monday, December 7, 2009

Day Three

Day three

Out of all the days three was the easiest day. Waking up I didn’t miss listening to music as much as Friday and Saturday. Knowing that tomorrow I would get my media fix helped out so much! The drive to work was not bad however; I was on the phone (this might have been cheating). I was pretty much at work the whole day so I didn’t miss media that much. When I got home from work, and there was no one there so, I ate and went to sleep. I was so happy to know that in the morning I would have everything back. The one thing I hate is not being able to unwind. Coming home and getting on the computer or turning on the TV is how I unwind, from a long day of work and school. I went to bed early both nights because there was nothing to do. This whole experience as been very hard, everything I do seems to be wrapped up in media. Life without media is a lot less distracting, but I a lot less fun! Like everyone I saw thing clearer and did a lot of thinking. I also sang to myself to keep me from going crazy over the silence. I think that maybe we need a little less media in our lives. However, going with no media is not an option. I need a good balance of media. I should maybe turn the TV off when I do my homework, so that I’m giving it my 100 percent. Going without media for three days, has been one of the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I hope I never have to do this again! The last and final day :)

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