Monday, December 7, 2009


Well the last day is done and over with, and after having finished my first day of finals I can say that it was well worth it. I don't think that I could have studied quite as well with Facebook and Youtube open at the same time, haha.
So all in all, it wasn't too bad of an experience! I got a lot done, had a lot of down time and didn't die without my usual plug-ins. I doubt that I would voluntarily go without any of that again, but it definitely did have it's benefits. I studied better because I was able to devote my focus to studying rather than checking my IM or profile constantly.
I can say that I can probably continue to go without TV. Most of the time when I watch it there's nothing on anyways!
I'm so glad to be able to use my phone leisurely again without feeling like I've broken the rules, haha.
Well what have I learned? I've learned that I can live without my media. All of the things I usually fill up my time with are luxuries and CAN be done away with. Although they can be done away with, I don't think I will. I feel like with so many people on the internet nowadays it can sometimes be the only way to keep in contact with some of my best friends, especially with so many of them all over the country at college.
I learned that Youtube is probably my greatest downfall. Haha, I swear I've gone to bed soooo much earlier without that constant tempation of,"O, it's just a two minute video. Just one more and I'll go to bed." Seriously have been much better rested without it. But once again, I know I'll be right back at it. I guess I could try to curb my viewing, that'd probably help a lot.
In closing, it was a good experience, and with finals still going on I'll probably keep it up all week (to a less extreme degree, of course). Thanks for the opportunity Prof. Lopez.

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