Monday, December 7, 2009

DAY 3: The End...

This day was the easiest to get through given that I have already started to adapt to not having certain stimulus's bombarding me on a daily basis. I awoke early this morning to attend a church ceremony. I brought along my twelve year old neighbor because is interested in learning about God. I give him credit for wanting to come but he seems to have the attention span of a seven year old. The following sermon was quite delicious and afterward there was a potluck to attend. I had various Filipino dishes to compliment my palate. Tasty. My wife and I had stayed back to teach some more kids about their role in the upcoming Christmas Play.
It took my wife quite some time to train the younglings about their role in this whole masquerade. Many times did she have them repeat the part they were assigned. Something tells me that they will not remember the day of the play but I give her credit trying so hard with the little ones. I haven't thought about technology as this day progressed. I think that once you realize you can live without it, that it no longer has a hold on you like shackles and chains. After practice was over, we made our way off to home. Upon arrival, we both took a nap from exhaustion of constant human interaction. It really does take a toll on you when you are expected to behave a certain way for different people. I awoke a couple of hours later to go help my neighbor with his projects. He had been approved to extend his fence and build a shed. I spent a greater part of the evening conversing with him and his son as we dug holes for fence posts. After we accomplished what needed to be done, I took his son on a four mile run with me. I was very surprised that he ran the whole way with me. I had it in my mind that he would drop like a fly after the second mile. We talked for a bit and then departed our ways. My parents who live in Michigan have been wondering why they haven't heard from me. They understood the circumstances once I told them I was participating in a media deprivation project for my professor.
I have been good about adhering to the rules provided. Really, the only person you are cheating is yourself. I am glad to know that I have more clarity when not clouded by so many distractions of mass media. I do note though that I tend to be more aggressive and easily agitated than normal. I think this may only be a temporary reaction to lack of certain stimulus that I am used to in my life. I also managed to turn in all of the late paperwork I had for my psychology class. Raising the grade from a "C" to an "A." Even though I can live without mass media in my life, I prefer to have it around. I often found myself bored with many real life tasks. Well, I am off to celebrate by playing some video games now that it is two in the morning on Monday. Take care.

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