Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 3

The final day was finally here. I had a long night before so I slept in till about noon. Soon after I got ready and went to see my girlfriend before she had to leave back to Corpus. I have to admit on the way I completely forgot about not being able to listen to the radio and I had it on. Probably because I had such a huge headache so I wasn't really focused on it. After spending some time with my girlfriend I left for work. I worked four to eight, an easy shift. I missed the cowboys game but I was fine with that since I heard they lost. After work and going home this was the most bored I had been the entire weekend. I was so use to being out and doing things I was fine with not having any media. But since it was a Sunday night I had nothing to do after work and wasn't really up for it since I had school the following day. I didn't even have a book to read so I started to read the latest copy of my AP magazine. Though I know I wasn't suppose to read magazines I felt it was a better alternative than to turn the t.v. on. Before going to sleep I called my girlfriend to say good night and that I would finally be able to text her regularly the following day. I went to sleep pretty early since I was so bored and didn't want to give in since I was already nearing the end. Over all I honestly enjoyed the weekend. I was very busy with work and seeing my girlfriend and going out with friends. It made me go out and do stuff rather than just be bored at home.

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