Monday, December 7, 2009


My typical Sundays in the fall usually consist of me sitting in front of the tv watching football. The only game I saw on Sunday was the Patriots-Dolphins game which is pretty good for a football aficionado. After the game I did some long overdue cleaning around my place along with some laundry. I would usually do all this while blasting Nine Inch Nails on the radio but I managed to refrain. I did good this weekend about not listening to music, but I don't want to do this again.

The rest of the day consisted of me sitting around around reading a book I had put down a while ago. I love to read everything from history books to magazines but not being able to read magazines was not cool. After that we went to the gym for a workout and ended up staying there for a couple of hours playing basketball. I got back into the gym so something good did come from this project. I caught the days football highlights at Chachos while eating nachos and tacos. I think i found my new favorite restaurant in San Antonio.

All in all this project was fun. That being said, i don't ever want to partake in such a project. I was able to limit my media use but not deprive myself completely. I appreciate all my gadgets that keep me occupied throughout the day but some peace and quiet is also appreciated. I hope everybody made it through the weekend with their sanity intact. I'm out, I got to go clean out my inbox.

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