Monday, December 7, 2009

day 3 yay

Sunday the 6th
Well all I can say is THANK GOODNESS this is the last day! Doing this project was challenging for me but at the same time I have learned a lot and I have more time throughout the day. Sunday was not that hard compared to Friday and Saturday. Today I woke up and went to church so I did hear some music. However, after church I was with my family all day which was so nice! So of course I didn’t get on the computer and my little cousin was watching television, so it was on but I wasn’t watching it. I have found that I can do so many other things than just sit somewhere and get on facebook or lie on the couch and watch television! Oh yea… I did forget to say that I did cheat though. Sunday is a big night on television and so I had to watch desperate housewives and brothers and sisters! But I am proud to say that I turned off the television after they were over. I was driving in the truck with my boyfriend and he was jamming out to some song that I didn’t care about and so I said “oh yea I forgot I can’t listen to the radio” and I turned it off. He was not very pleased with that but we laughed about it later. I want to say that this project was very fun and interesting. It is not like any other final which makes it fun! It made me realize that we take things for granted a lot, and when we should just really think about how fortunate we are to have so many things. I have learned that there life without facebook. Also for the future I am going start doing more active things and not so much getting on facebook or watching television so much. Thank you for such a great semester!

day 3

Today was a harder day because I wasnt as busy. I out all day and didnt get home until now, but it was really hard. to not use my cell phone and text. I think texting is my life, I go crazy if I dont have my phone near or around me. But I cheated real bad today, I texted from the time I got out of Com class and im still texting, actually im texting while im writing this blog. I know very bad. But I didnt text too much all this week, even my sister was surprise that phone wasnt attached to me like a crazy person this weekend.
Im actually cheating really bad right now, because the Tv is on, im texting, and music is playing on my computer at this moment. I would never want to do this experiment ever again. It was ok while I was busy, but other than that it is a no no, for me. Never again, Never again


Well the last day is done and over with, and after having finished my first day of finals I can say that it was well worth it. I don't think that I could have studied quite as well with Facebook and Youtube open at the same time, haha.
So all in all, it wasn't too bad of an experience! I got a lot done, had a lot of down time and didn't die without my usual plug-ins. I doubt that I would voluntarily go without any of that again, but it definitely did have it's benefits. I studied better because I was able to devote my focus to studying rather than checking my IM or profile constantly.
I can say that I can probably continue to go without TV. Most of the time when I watch it there's nothing on anyways!
I'm so glad to be able to use my phone leisurely again without feeling like I've broken the rules, haha.
Well what have I learned? I've learned that I can live without my media. All of the things I usually fill up my time with are luxuries and CAN be done away with. Although they can be done away with, I don't think I will. I feel like with so many people on the internet nowadays it can sometimes be the only way to keep in contact with some of my best friends, especially with so many of them all over the country at college.
I learned that Youtube is probably my greatest downfall. Haha, I swear I've gone to bed soooo much earlier without that constant tempation of,"O, it's just a two minute video. Just one more and I'll go to bed." Seriously have been much better rested without it. But once again, I know I'll be right back at it. I guess I could try to curb my viewing, that'd probably help a lot.
In closing, it was a good experience, and with finals still going on I'll probably keep it up all week (to a less extreme degree, of course). Thanks for the opportunity Prof. Lopez.

Day 3- Facebook

I do also want to add that one thing I did accomplish was not being on facebook the WHOLE weekend! To be honest, i'm completely tired of facebook and this project was a great excuse not to be on it!! I just checked it and I have 60 unread messages and 56 notifications, not including my messages. I want to just delete them all!!

Day Three

Day three

Out of all the days three was the easiest day. Waking up I didn’t miss listening to music as much as Friday and Saturday. Knowing that tomorrow I would get my media fix helped out so much! The drive to work was not bad however; I was on the phone (this might have been cheating). I was pretty much at work the whole day so I didn’t miss media that much. When I got home from work, and there was no one there so, I ate and went to sleep. I was so happy to know that in the morning I would have everything back. The one thing I hate is not being able to unwind. Coming home and getting on the computer or turning on the TV is how I unwind, from a long day of work and school. I went to bed early both nights because there was nothing to do. This whole experience as been very hard, everything I do seems to be wrapped up in media. Life without media is a lot less distracting, but I a lot less fun! Like everyone I saw thing clearer and did a lot of thinking. I also sang to myself to keep me from going crazy over the silence. I think that maybe we need a little less media in our lives. However, going with no media is not an option. I need a good balance of media. I should maybe turn the TV off when I do my homework, so that I’m giving it my 100 percent. Going without media for three days, has been one of the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I hope I never have to do this again! The last and final day :)

DAY 3- I gave up.

So I completely forgot about the media deprivation assignment today. I stayed in bed until about 1pm today, tired from the night before. I stayed in bed a little while longer and watched The Game, and Everybody Hates Chris. I went to the cafĂ© and watched the Raiders and the Steelers play, which to me, was a huge loss for the Steelers. After that I watched Year One with my boyfriend, and was You Tubing and talking on the phone for a while. I was also listening to music on Sunday, I played the Wii at Best Buy (I’m great at the Wii), and did lots of other things that were clearly against the rules. Needless to say, I cannot live depriving myself of the media. My life evolves around the media, my major involves the media, and everything I do is surrounded or because of the media. I lost the challenge, and I’m okay with it, although it is quite sad that I could not at least go one day without breaking the rules. Great assignment!

Day three

It's finally the end of the media deprivation project and I am enjoying the comforts of media. I am proud to state that throughout the last couple of days I was able to not use any type of media other than what was necessary through my job and talking to my parents. Sunday was a very productive day in means of studying for my Monday morning final. Staying busy at all times just kept my mind off of all the usual media I regularly use. I did catch myself listening to music as I drove to work but it was strictly out of habit. After five minutes through my drive I did realize what was happening. I have found this particular project very easy sense I was working around twelve hours every day this last weekend. By the time I home, I am too tired to even continue with anything. I did enjoy the silence and me trying to stay busy when I am not working. It just kept me going and left my mind on other things. I missed the football game I have been waiting to see for a few months, and that was the Cowboys versus the Giants. My friends are all huge Cowboys fans and I love when the Giants win seeing as they are my favorite team. I was wondering why all my friends were calling and texting me and I just had to peek at one of the messages. That one text message made my day. As for monday, the first thing I did was turn on my computer and watch the highlights of the games I missed and looked at every text message I missed for the last several days. I missed in all over one hundred text messages fourty five calls, among several myspace and facebook messages and comments. It felt weird having to actually drive to find my friends just to see them for a little bit. I am so used to just using my phone and knowing in seconds. They have told me that this project even sucked for them because they could never get a hold of me and I was never home. Now I somewhat know what it was like before media, and I really think I have begun to take these luxuries for granted because people live like this every day.

Day Three

Finally the last day! Like usual I tried not to watch tv or listen to the radio, but I do have a confession to make. Yesterday, my friend Ralph invited me to go to the movies. I was not going to deny a free movie (especially not "The Blind Side"), so I decided to go. It was a good movie, I cried a few times. In the car we listened to his iPod. I didn't turn it off because then I would have to explain the whole project to him and then he would think that I am weird. When I got home, I really didn't want to fall asleep early so I just had to watch tv. Besides, iCarly was on! It's my favorite Nickelodeon show. The whole weekend I did not text anyone. I did a good job with that rule. Sadly, I was unable to not watch movies or tv. I was also unable to not listen to the radio or my iPod. Last night I broke the "no talking on the phone" rule. My other friend from California thta I haven't talked to in over two months called so I couldn't just ignore his call. Basically, the no texting part was the easiest. Guys would text me and I would simply not reply. It's not like they were my boyfriend or something. If I would have completely commited to the project, then I would have been really bored. The only thing I would have been able to do was sleep and have face to face conversations with people. That is very limiting. I cannot imagine how people entertained themselves back then. When my parents were younger they couldn't afford all the fancy electronics we have now. They said friends would just hang out at usual spots so there was no need for cell phones or iPods. Now I think that it is very important to our generation to have some kind of electronic to entertain ourselves.

DAY 3!

Good afternoon,

I am so glad it is day three! I have been happy to have completed the media deprivation project. I can honestly say this has not been my worst project. It was a lot easier then I had thought it would have been. Although this project was easy I still found Sunday to be the hardest day of the project just knowing I was going to miss football all day. Unfortunately, thank goodness I did not miss much considering the Dallas Cowboys lost to the New York Giants.

Being able to blog about my experience has kind of opened my eyes to blogging. I always thought that blogging would have been boring, but this project has in a way changed my mind. It is actually fun in some sort of strange way ha-ha. Do not mean to offend any bloggers.

This project has taught me that maybe I need to buy an alarm clock to wake me up; because all I use is my phone and these past three days I did not use my phone. Day one I woke up late for work ha-ha. Day two I was late going to my mothers. Day three I almost was late for my final. I had said in day two that I felt that I did not need my phone that bad, well I was wrong I depend on my phone for lots of things such as, alarms, important dates, memos, and keeping in touch is the main one.

I would go crazy if I did not have my phone, or if I was not able to social network. I am not into face book, or twitter, but I am a big MySpace person. Not getting on for three days was tough, but I did it and I am very proud of myself!

I rely on technology so much that I honestly do not think I could function without it.


My typical Sundays in the fall usually consist of me sitting in front of the tv watching football. The only game I saw on Sunday was the Patriots-Dolphins game which is pretty good for a football aficionado. After the game I did some long overdue cleaning around my place along with some laundry. I would usually do all this while blasting Nine Inch Nails on the radio but I managed to refrain. I did good this weekend about not listening to music, but I don't want to do this again.

The rest of the day consisted of me sitting around around reading a book I had put down a while ago. I love to read everything from history books to magazines but not being able to read magazines was not cool. After that we went to the gym for a workout and ended up staying there for a couple of hours playing basketball. I got back into the gym so something good did come from this project. I caught the days football highlights at Chachos while eating nachos and tacos. I think i found my new favorite restaurant in San Antonio.

All in all this project was fun. That being said, i don't ever want to partake in such a project. I was able to limit my media use but not deprive myself completely. I appreciate all my gadgets that keep me occupied throughout the day but some peace and quiet is also appreciated. I hope everybody made it through the weekend with their sanity intact. I'm out, I got to go clean out my inbox.