Friday, December 4, 2009

Mihi non placet, quod officium stultior (Day One)

Written locally(on my hard drive, for those who don't know the term when applied to computers). Will probably edit before uploading. I'm not sure why I'm doing this, as I found out last week that this credit won't transfer to UTSA when I go. I suppose I'm just insane.
Fair warning(and a small revenge) I'm a writer. That means I write. This is probably going to be massively long, even after I edit the crap out of it.

6:30 AM:Woke up to my phone buzzing on my desk. Cursed at the phone, my brother, who was standing outside my room, the cat, and the world in general. Rolled out of bed, dismissed the alarm, turned off the damn phone, and went back to sleep.
9:00 AM:Woke up in a slightly better mood. My radio was playing some mix of Wolfstone, Deep Forest, and Nightwish. decided it was still too early to wake up. went back to sleep.
10:00 AM:Gave up on sleeping, decided to officially wake up and turn off the radio, which was now playing some Apocalyptica song.(I had to open iTunes for the spelling, and now the damn program is taunting me) To keep from going completely insane, I only turned the volume all the way down. My 'sleep' playlist has several Native American flute tracks, and some of the higher notes are faintly audible when the sound is turned to the lowest volume. It's not music so much as background noise. Read the last hundred pages of Phoenix Endangered, and decided that it was time to make breakfast.
11:00AM:Instead of grating the cheese with a grater like a normal, sane, non-media deprived person, I got a knife and shredded it by hand while waiting for the water to boil. I did this because, normally while waiting for water to boil, I go watch TV, or bring my laptop downstairs and amuse myself until the water begins to boil.
After I ate, I did the dishes by hand, which I never do. Altogether, it took about two hours to do what usually takes five or ten minutes. I don't like this project, and Daft Punk's song "Harder Better Faster Stronger" is stuck in my head. At least I know all the words to this one...
12:50PM:I came upstairs, booted my laptop for the first time today, when my messaging client came up automatically, I changed my IM status and auto-response message to suit my situation appropriately, so my friends don't think I've died ("doomed to fail" and "Can't talk now, undergoing psychological torture", in an amusing font. It looks like dripping blood. Anyone who reads it will see their default, but it still makes me feel better. I forgot to change it yesterday, and even though I told them about it, there's always the chance they'll forget) and closed out the window. I have four junk mail messages in my inbox. I didn't bother reading them. just marked them as read so they wouldn't annoy me later.
1:25PM:The emails came back. I hate gmail. My desktop wallpaper reminds me I'd meant to replay Portal this weekend. I suppose ripping my laptop's namesake to peices and throwing her into a furnace is just going to have to wait until after finals.
The cake is a lie.
2:11PM:I was bored enough to start cleaning. I found that I was wrong in thinking that I was out of materials for dreamcatchers. I've got one hoop left, and, if I'm very careful as I cut it, enough leather to cover it. thread and sinew I have plenty of. I might actually be able to occupy myself for a bit.
3:20PM:guilt made me start cleaning again.
3:48PM:fooled around in GIMP for a bit(a ghetto photoshop) I had some stock images and decided to play with them a little.
Gave a trapped coyote a complex and put some streaks in the hair of a friend's favorite video game character.
Apparently, this is what I do when I'm bored:
image too big to post
also too big to post

I'm not looking forward to the rest of the weekend. but, since today's the only day I'm home alone all day, the hardest part should be over.

I stand corrected.
My brother is playing rockband. loudly. with much flailing and excessive gloating.
sadistic little creep.

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