Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 1

I can see this is going to be much harder than I anticipated. Not being able to use anything electronic or any type of media has forced me to actually do work and clean up. The day started off okay, but the more it went bye, the more it made me think how ever did I survive without any of my media devices in the past. I think my life without a lot of my devices would be very boring. Luckily nothing really comes on television that I am interested in really watching so I haven't been forced to break any rules up until this point. But some things I want to see may be coming up so I'll just have to find a way around that. I have to work tomorrow so I have really have no idea how I am going to keep myself occupied. I guess I am going to have to get a bunch of reading material or something. But at least by me working that should make time go bye a lot faster than just sitting at home doing nothing or waiting until late for me to go to a bar or something. Doing this may actually force me to go to the mall and start spending unnecessary money because I dont have anything else to do. It may also make me get fate because I might start eating because I dont have anything else to do. This is insane it actaually makes me want to go up to some random person and start a conversation because I have nothing else to do for the time being. The restrictions should have been more towards certain hours during the days, not the whole day eveyday. Oh well, I guess I'll have to deal with it and see where things go from there. Well if anyone has any ideas to stay occupied let me know, I'm open to try any options at this point.


  1. I know how you feel about the talking to random people. All day I would walk by someone and say 'hi'. Even in the elvator I started talking to some lady I have never even met before.

  2. It's amazing how something as simple as depriving ourselves of mass media can prompt us to want to interact more with our fellow human beings face-to-face.

    Hang in there, Tremaine and Drea. Only 48 hours more to go....

  3. When I try to randomly talk to people I get maced.
