Thursday, December 3, 2009


Okay I'm testing out this blog thing to make sure I do it right. I'm not a blogger : ). Mass media is a major part of my life. I'm not gonna like doing this at all. The project starts tomorrow so I thought I'd post a blog today saying what type of media I use everyday so you fully understand how much this weekend is going to suck.
I listen to my ipod almost everywhere I go. To me it makes the time go by fast and trips to places more bareable. I'm even listening to it as I'm typing this out.
The tv is my world. I watch it in the morning and as soon as I get home until I go to bed. I know it sounds lazy but I dont just sit down and stare at it. I have it on while I do chores and things like that. Sometimes I fall asleep with it on. Its werid. For me I have to sleep with some kinda noise playing or else I have trouble sleeping.
Movies are going to be hard to abandon. Mostly because I work at one so... It's okay though. I can wait until next week to see Armored and Brothers.
I'm a major myspace person. I like to see what all my friends are up to, plus its my way of keeping in touch with them. When im not on myspace I usually surf the web for movie information. I dont have a Twitter. I think that thing is werid so I dont have to worry about not being able to tweet people.
My phone is like my right arm. I text more then I call people. Again, I like to check up on my friends and see what they are up to. My family and I text each other for little things like "I'm Outside." or "Dinners done".
I think thats about all.
This project is going to be awful. My generation needs their technology. We've had it since birth. We were programmed to believe we need all these things and we do.
I'm going to try my hardest not to give in. The only comfort I have is knowing Ashley can't tweet : ).
I'd tell her to text me when she starts getting that withdrawl but well you know.
Project starts in 14hrs and 45min. Good luck my friends.


  1. i do not appreciate your making fun of my tweeting situation ;] im going to try my hardest, but im not gonna lie...if it snows tomorrow, there WILL be a tweet!

  2. Hey, I'll be going through Twitter withdrawals too! One of my goals is to not look at or send a SINGLE TWEET!

    I'm also going to turn off my mobile tweet alerts so I won't be tempted to check any tweets I get through my cell phone. Should be an interesting weekend, to say the least!

  3. i just turned of my mobile tweet alerts.
    media deprivation has officially started!
