Thursday, December 3, 2009


While I'm really interested to find out how this whole 72 hour thing is going to pan out for me, I'm kind of bummed. When the whole 'no music' thing came up, I was waiting for the teacher come back with "Just kidding." No such luck! Saturday's at the j-o-b are really slow and I listen to my music, my weekends are my peak texting and calling times, and I watch my shows "Dexter" and "Californication" on Sundays. I guess I will start planning the weekend and making sure that I find time to watch my shows on Monday. Good luck everyone!


  1. You're going to miss some good shows there, Drea. But that's why DVR was invented, right? :)

    Oh, and the lack of music is going to be tough for me too! How else am I going to grade you guys' blogs??? Haha

  2. So does that mean you are going to be harder on us without your music?? If that's the case then I won't tell anyone if you listen to music as long as I get a good grade??
